End-of-the-Year Reflection

End-of-the-Year Reflection

As we enter December, we naturally gravitate to end of the year reflection. Our successes, failures, losses, wins, and memories come to mind. Taking a moment to consider the year that we will soon leave behind gives an opportunity to feel pride in our accomplishments...
Toxic Positivity

Toxic Positivity

I have heard most of my life that “there’s always someone out there that has it worse than you” when going through a tough time. While people meant to be uplifting, most of the time it ended up making me feel worse. While this statement is overall positive, it...
Phone Addiction – Do We All Have it?

Phone Addiction – Do We All Have it?

Are We Addicted to Our Phones? Just like many others are doing during the pandemic, I am making a conscious effort to stay home and avoid direct contact with people. However, in an effort to stay connected to family, friends, and the world, I have noticed that I have...