End-of-the-Year Reflection

by | Nov 23, 2022 | Culture, Gratitude, Intention, Mindfulness

As we enter December, we naturally gravitate to end of the year reflection. Our successes, failures, losses, wins, and memories come to mind. Taking a moment to consider the year that we will soon leave behind gives an opportunity to feel pride in our accomplishments and plan to change anything that didn’t go so well. In anticipation of setting our intentions for 2023, pausing to take a look back can give us good insight into ourselves, our emotions, and our future goals and plans. 

Which areas are good for end of the year reflection?

Journaling is a good way to structure end of the year reflection. Think about the areas that have been most impactful to you over the year or that you’d like to focus on in the future. You might consider themes such as relationships or health. Break those categories down into things like relationships with friends, family, or at work, or health including mental health, doctor’s appointments, or healthy eating.

Prompts to consider 

If you’d like to take some time to reflect on your year, here are some journal prompts to get you started.

What were your biggest challenges over the past year?

Naturally, we tend to consider our challenges and troubles faster than we recognize our accomplishments, so starting with the not-so-positive might be an easy starting point when reflecting on your year. Think about where your struggles were and the details surrounding them, such as if they were in your control or not. Think about how you might best prepare for the challenges you had if they were to happen again, or consider what choices you can make now so things aren’t so challenging next year.

What were your biggest accomplishments over the past year?

Now that you’ve sorted out the negative, switch to the more positive aspects of your year. Think about what you achieved in all areas of your life. What were your accomplishments at work or school; Did you make new friends or reach a personal goal? Recognizing your efforts can help empower you to set new goals for yourself, as well as motivate you to achieve those goals in the new year.

What are your favorite memories of 2022?

Another way to reflect on the past 12 months is to consider your favorite memories for a bit of nostalgia. Think about the activities, travels, or days you enjoyed most in your year to create some inspiration to make memories in the new year. Reflecting on your opportunities for fun and enjoyment can help you plan enjoyable things to do when the new year starts.

What goals and intentions can I set for 2023?

With the information you’ve gathered about the past year, start to reflect on the things that you’d like to change, accomplish, or do better in the new year ahead. Reflect on what you’d like to focus on in the year ahead to make it your best year yet. One other approach is to choose a word of intention, such as joy, health, love, or adventure, for 2023 and make that your framework next year. 

However you choose to reflect, give yourself a pat on the back for all you have done over the year!

Learn more about the author, Sam Nolan, here.

Photo by Jodie Cook on Unsplash

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