by Ali Barnum | Mar 23, 2022 | Coping, Gratitude, Mental Health, Support
What is journaling and what are the ways journaling can help me? Often, therapists suggest journaling to benefit your mental health. But how does this actually work? You can use journaling to clear your head so you can focus on your day without intrusive thoughts. It...
by Ali Barnum | Mar 1, 2021 | Counseling, Mental Health, Support, Therapy
It’s been interesting being a therapist during a pandemic. Can you believe we have been living through COVID-19 for a year? It feels like just yesterday when the governor announced the shelter in place order. Thankfully, I think we all can see the light at the...
by Ali Barnum | Mar 27, 2020 | Anxiety, Coping, Counseling, Exercise, Gratitude, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Sleep, Therapy
How are you coping during the COVID-19 pandemic? The outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has created chaos over the past few months around the world. Many people are finding it very difficult to cope. In the face of uncertainty, I have seen people express a...
by Ali Barnum | Feb 19, 2020 | Mental Health, Relationships
I’ve been noticing the need to set boundaries in my professional and personal life lately. Does anyone else feel that way? I have been interested in writing a boundary blog for quite some time so this may be the perfect time! Boundary-setting is important for...
by Ali Rybicki Barnum | Jan 14, 2020 | Awareness, Mental Health
Are you looking for a movie that does a fantastic job depicting what mental illness is truly like for many individuals? Then Joker is a MUST-SEE FILM! Please don’t read this post yet if you have not seen this movie! If you haven’t seen it, I recommend you go...