by Ali Barnum | Apr 19, 2023 | Anxiety, Coping, Mental Health, Support, Therapy, Tools
Triggers and Coping with Them When we are triggered, it can be difficult to cope sometimes. Day to day, we are focused on the things we need to complete – homework, work projects, assignments, chores, responsibilities. Throughout our days, we are also juggling...
by Ali Rybicki Barnum | Apr 18, 2023 | Coping, Depression, Intention, Mental Health, Support
Are you familiar with the impact of sunlight on mental health? Well, we just changed the clocks and now we are finally seeing the sun again after what seemed like the longest and darkest winter season. You may not have realized how low your moods were until you saw...
by Ali Barnum | Apr 15, 2023 | Counseling, Mental Health, Therapy
Trying to find a therapist that is a good fit can be an overwhelming process. A simple search on the internet brings up tons of different practices and many different therapists. Each one has these letters after their name, paragraphs on their style and the techniques...
by Ali Barnum | Apr 14, 2023 | Coping, Mental Health, Skills, Support
When something challenging, difficult, or upsetting happens during our day, there are many different ways to deal with these events. Think of the last time something not-so-satisfying happened to you today or yesterday? How did you handle it? These are what we call...
by Ali Barnum | Apr 13, 2023 | Coping, Culture, Happiness, Mental Health, Support
How Pets Contribute to Good Mental Health The bond between humans and their pets are unique, undeniable, and strong. Everywhere you look, there are people spoiling their pets and treating them like they are human babies. Despite their cuteness and companionship,...
by Ali Barnum | Apr 11, 2023 | Coping, Mental Health, Skills, Tools
Distress tolerance is a dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) skill. It refers to an individual’s ability to tolerate and manage distressing (anxious or upsetting) emotions that result from situations that are out of one’s control. Distress tolerance is an...