How to complete tasks when motivation is low

by | Nov 27, 2022 | Mindfulness, Organization, Skills

It’s easy to find yourself in a slump, struggling to motivate to complete tasks and chores, especially in the cold winter months. Unfortunately, there are always tasks you need to do. Cleaning, paying bills and running errands are all necessary tasks, even if we don’t want to do them. If you’re struggling to complete tasks when motivation is low, consider breaking your tasks down into manageable pieces.

Ways to Complete Tasks When Motivation is Low

Make a list

Write down everything you need to get done. It can be tempting to keep a running to do list in your mind. But writing down your tasks can free up a bit of brain space and help you feel less stressed. Writing out your tasks can also help you break them down into more manageable pieces. While you’re writing, you can find ways to group things. For example, you can  stop at the post office on your way home to the grocery store. This will help you save time.

Prioritize what’s most important

You don’t have to do the entire list at once. Think about what’s most important to get done first. Pick three top tasks and see how quickly you can complete them. By starting small, you won’t feel overwhelmed. And once you get started, you may feel more motivated to keep crossing things off your list.

Make it enjoyable

If you have to do a bunch of unwanted tasks, such as cleaning the kitchen or mopping the floor, consider adding a fun element. Put on your favorite movie or playlist, listen to an audiobook, or have your favorite cup of coffee on hand while you work. Pairing something enjoyable with something unenjoyable can neutralize the task and make it feel a bit less like work.

Reward yourself

After you complete your established tasks, reward yourself! Think about what is most motivating to you. Is it getting take out or a special coffee? Is it rewarding yourself with social activities? Using a reward system can help push you to complete tasks, since you you have something to look forward to at the end.

Make it a habit

If you regularly find yourself unmotivated, start incorporating tasks into your daily routine. While you may have to do these tasks while you feel unmotivated at first, they will eventually become daily habits. That means you need to put forth less effort to complete necessary tasks and won’t have to motivate yourself further.

This post is written by Sam Nolan, LPC, ATR-P. Learn more about her here.

Photo by Josue Michel on Unsplash

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