Optimizing your environment when you have ADHD

by | Oct 28, 2022 | Anxiety, Intention, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Organization, Support

What is ADHD and how does it show up?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is caused by brain differences that directly affect attention and behavior in individuals. People with ADHD find it harder to focus and are more likely to feel restless, bored, or frustrated. Optimizing your environment can help you work with your ADHD rather than against it. Below you will find 14 ways to alter your environment to best help you if you struggle to get work done, focus, or feel simply feel more at ease. These suggestions can apply whether you are at home, work, or school.

Ideas for optimizing your environment when you have ADHD

  1. Eliminate distractions: tidy up your desk and silence notifications.

  2. Set timers: set incremental timers and give yourself deadlines to get tasks done.

  3. Share your expectations around interactions with others while doing your work. Put up a sign that you cannot engage with others while you are getting your work done at a specific hour and share when you will be available next.

  4. Color coordinate. If you have lots of files, color coordinating from most to least important or based on topic.

  5. Have a glass of water and a snack within arms length.

  6. Exercise. Go for a walk, pace, or do whatever physical activity prior to work.

  7. Set reasonable time blocks for your schedule and life.

  8. Work at times that you are naturally more focused.  This varies for everyone. Some are more focused in the morning, some in the afternoon, and some late at night.

  9. Make a list of your tasks and leave it somewhere visible so that you can scratch things off as you go.

  10. Share your goals so that you are accountable to yourself and one other person.

  11. Plan ahead.  Prepare your outfit, have your lunch ready, and review what you have scheduled the following day, the day prior.

  12. Ask for help and talk to others that can support you in optimizing your environment. Some examples of helpers might be a teacher, partner, and/or boss.

  13. Create a focus music playlist.

  14. Have good lighting and work in a room with a temperature you are comfortable with.

What tips would you add to this list? Aren’t sure what will work best for you and need guidance, we are one call away at 630.797.9192.

Want to learn more about the author, Sonia De La Torre, MSW, LSW? Click here

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