Creating a 2020 Vision

by | Jan 28, 2020 | Intention, Organization, Support

The New Year gives us the chance to create goals for ourselves. What do you want to work on this year? Let’s take a moment to reflect, and with these five techniques below, begin creating a 2020 vision and goals for the year ahead.

Envision Your Goal

I love envisioning positive outcomes to help with anxiety or stress so why can’t we do the same for goals? What do you visualize for yourself? Oftentimes, the New Year will motivate us to focus on big picture stuff, such as finances, travel or improving our physical health. Asking ourselves what we want for our future is the first step when envisioning our purpose. One fun activity I have had clients who are seeking weight loss but are intimidated by the scale is hanging a pair of pants or top that is visible to help with motivation. Visualizing what we can reach is motivation in itself!

Write Down Your Vision>

I love asking my clients to compose lists of positive affirmations or gratitude’s to solidify those mindful moments. Goals should be no different! Writing weekly or even monthly goals on a planner or journal hardens our thought process. Not only does writing down goals help solidify what you want for yourself, but can also help managing a time frame of how and when you can fulfill it.

Be Specific with Your Goal

When it comes to creating goals for myself, I tend to be very general. Some of my personal goals are to increase my savings account, say hello to my neighbors more often or even attend the gym more often. Although, these are all attainable goals for anyone, they are not specific enough.

For example, instead of stating “I want to attend the gym more often”, the goal should be broken down into steps, which leads to asking certain questions. How often? What time of the day? How long should the workouts be? The goal becomes measurable and specific enough to follow on a weekly basis.

Action Plan

Action plans are an essential step-by-step procedure to follow. An action plan is most effective when beginning a new routine or behavioral shift. For example, if your New Year’s goal is to go to the gym three times a week, it’ll be easier on you to create an action plan to manage your time. Bullet journaling can help with this – check this link out after you read this post. New goals require attention and stability. Establishing a plan of alarm clocks, driving or preparing enough time to get ready will make your life easier. I promise that it will become second nature the more familiar you become with your daily or weekly plans. You got this!


We’ve heard it before – “repetition builds skills…” but it’s true! Consistency is key! Trust me, we all need a day off here and there, BUT being consistent makes the difference.  Envisioning what you want for yourself, writing those goals down and creating an action plan is just the beginning. Just remember, following through is what will cause you to see significant changes in your life this New Year.

If you are looking to create new goals or if you need help with shaping a vision for yourself in 2020, contact Barnum Counseling today at 630-797-9192 or click here for more information on our services.

Written by: Coral Pidone, MA, LPC

Image by Freepik

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