How to be Vulnerable in Therapy

by | Jul 15, 2023 | Counseling, Mental Health, Therapy

How to be Vulnerable in Therapy when you Struggle with Vulnerability

In the journey of mental health and personal growth, one powerful tool we have is therapy. Therapy offers a safe and supportive space where we can explore our thoughts, emotions, and experiences. However, for many individuals, the concept of vulnerability can be intimidating. Opening up and sharing our deepest struggles and fears can be challenging, but it is also a transformative process that can lead to healing and growth.

Acknowledge Your Fear

It is important to recognize that feeling hesitant or fearful about being vulnerable in therapy is completely normal. Vulnerability often involves stepping outside our comfort zones, and it is okay to have reservations. Take a moment to acknowledge your fears and remind yourself that therapy is a judgment-free zone designed to support your well-being.

Trust the Therapeutic Relationship

Developing trust with your therapist is important for embracing vulnerability. A strong therapeutic alliance forms the foundation of the therapeutic journey. Take your time to build a rapport with your therapist, sharing your concerns, goals, and expectations. Trust is fostered through open communication, empathy, and a non-judgmental approach from your therapist.

Set Clear Goals

When you struggle with vulnerability, setting clear goals for therapy can provide a sense of direction and purpose. By discussing specific objectives with your therapist, you can focus on areas of your life that you want to work on while gradually building trust and comfort. Clearly defined goals can also alleviate anxiety and help you feel more in control of the therapy process.

Start Small

Instead of diving headfirst into your deepest emotions and past traumas, start with smaller, less intimidating topics in therapy. Share experiences that are slightly uncomfortable but still manageable for you. This gradual approach allows you to build confidence and trust in the process, as well as with your therapist. As you witness the positive outcomes of sharing, you may find it easier to open up about more vulnerable aspects of your life.

Journaling and Self-reflection

If you struggle with verbalizing your emotions and thoughts, journaling can be a helpful tool to facilitate self-reflection. Write down your feelings, concerns, and experiences between therapy sessions. It can serve as a template for discussion during therapy and provide an outlet for processing difficult emotions. Reflecting on your written thoughts may also help you identify patterns and gain deeper insights into your own journey.

Embrace Self-Compassion

Vulnerability can be uncomfortable and may bring up feelings of shame or self-judgment. Remember to be gentle with yourself throughout this process. Practice self-compassion by acknowledging your emotions without harsh self-criticism. Treat yourself with kindness and understanding, just as you would a close friend. Remember that vulnerability is a courageous act, and it is through vulnerability that true healing and growth occur.

Discuss Your Struggles

Do not hesitate to talk to your therapist about your difficulties with vulnerability. They are there to support you and can offer guidance and strategies tailored to your specific needs. Your therapist can help create a safe environment where you feel more comfortable being vulnerable, offering insights and techniques to navigate this challenging but rewarding aspect of therapy.


Embracing vulnerability in therapy can be a transformative and empowering experience. By acknowledging your fears, building trust with your therapist, setting clear goals, starting small, journaling, practicing self-compassion, and discussing your struggles openly, you can navigate the path of vulnerability with greater ease. Remember, the therapeutic journey is unique for each individual, and your therapist is there to support and guide you through this process of self-discovery.

About Therapist Bethany Winter, MA, LPC Barnum Counseling

Amour, A. (2023, March 7). 6 Tips on How to Open Up in Therapy. Recovery Warriors. Retrieved July 5, 2023, from

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