Building a Positive Self-Image

by | May 19, 2023 | Happiness, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Self Care

Developing a positive self-image is important for leading a fulfilling life. It is the foundation of our mental health and can have a significant impact on our relationships, career, and overall well-being. A positive self-image is not about being perfect, but rather about accepting and appreciating who we are. With the right mindset and right practices, anyone can build a positive self-image and experience the benefits of a more confident and joyful life. 

Ways to build a stronger self-image

Think of the last time you thought to yourself or looked in the mirror. What are some of the comments you made towards yourself? Our thoughts, feelings, and actions all contribute to our self-image. If we want to increase our self-image, we first have to be aware of the things we are saying to and about ourselves. Take a moment to reflect on how you view yourself. 

Now that you are aware of how you think of yourself, let’s learn some ways to build a stronger, more positive self-image. The first thing to start doing is to stop comparing yourself to others. Each individual is unique, different, and on their own journey and everyone has a different timeline. You are on our own path and your own journey. You should also take time to be grateful. Practicing gratitude can help to improve your mood and increase your outlook on life. Another quick and easier way to help build a stronger self-image is to make a list of your positive attributes. These can be positive attributes that you think of yourself, or you can ask a close friend to list some for you. Write these down and tape them to your mirror or somewhere you will see them everyday to remind yourself. 

Acknowledge your success

There are even more ways to build a positive self-esteem. One of these ways is to give yourself credit. Instead of saying everything is luck or chance, acknowledge that this was your accomplishment and that you succeeded. You can also not dwell on negative outcomes. Instead of sitting around and thinking about how much that sucks, change your thinking to be more positive, such as, “How can I learn from this experience?” and do better next time. One can also challenge and confront thinking distortions, such as all-or-none thinking or catastrophizing. These thinking distortions involve thinking at 0 or 1-00 or believing you are in the worst case scenario. Being able to challenge those and be more realistic are an important step. The last two steps to building a positive self-image is telling yourself positive affirmations, such as, “I am successful”, “I am confident”, and “I wake up motivated”, and remembering how far you have come.


Building a positive self-image is a journey that requires dedication and effort, but the outcomes are worth it. By practicing gratitude, being more self-aware, challenging thinking patterns, and not comparing yourself to others, you can improve your self-image and enjoy a more fulfilling and positive life. It’s okay to struggle at first and have set-backs along the way. The key is to keep moving forward, treating yourself with kindness, and empowering yourself to live the best life possible. 

About Therapist Bethany Winter, MA, LPC Barnum Counseling

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Mavi, M. (2022, November 21). 10 rules for building a stronger, more positive self-image. Atrium. 

(n.d). Positive self-image: How to improve self- and body-image. Cleveland Clinic.,Confront%20thinking%20distortions. 

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