The Practice of Mindful Moments

by | Nov 18, 2022 | Health, Intention, Meditation, Mindfulness

For those who struggle with anxiety, it’s easy to find yourself focusing on the future. You think about what could happen, what’s going to happen and all the tasks on your to-do list. We’re often so worried about the things that are coming that we lose sight of the present moment. Likewise, in our fast paced society, we often find ourselves rushing around to the next activity, job, or event. During these times, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But giving yourself mindful moments can help you slow down and appreciate the present while bringing yourself a small moment of peace.

What is mindfulness?

If you’ve never heard of engaging in mindfulness, it simply means that we’re immersing ourselves in, and giving full attention to, whatever is happening around us at the present moment. We ground ourselves in the present moment by experiencing the sights, sounds, and smells of the present moment. It brings us back to the here and now and can stop our minds from constantly racing. 

What are the benefits of mindful moments?

The benefits of mindfulness are vast, including stress reduction, increasing focus, stabilizing emotions, lowering anxiety, and improved performance at work or school. Quieting the mind and focusing on the present moment can help increase your awareness to better solve problems and connect with others. Generally, decreasing stress and anxiety through mindfulness practices can help improve overall health and aid you in thinking more clearly, therefore increasing your performance and helping you to logically solve problems.

How can I practice mindful moments?

You can practice mindful moments in almost any situation by reminding yourself to immerse yourself in the present moment. What do you see and hear? What can you touch? Is there anything can you smell and taste? Taking a deep breath, a step back, and noticing what’s around you will bring you into the moment. Give yourself permission to take a break from future worries and past regrets, and just focus on now.

What are some mindfulness techniques I can incorporate into my daily routine?

Getting into a routine with mindfulness can help give you structure to practice feeling at peace with the here and now. Here are a few activities that can help you engage mindfully:

Work on a coloring sheet

While it may sound like it’s just for kids, the act of working on a focused art project can help you focus just on what’s in front of you. Immerse yourself in the design on the page, pick colors for your art mindfully, and reflect on the patterns you make with crayons or markers.

Make a tea or coffee date with yourself

The art of making tea or coffee can also be a quick and easy way to bring mindfulness into your daily life. Consider the mug you choose. Watch the milk mix with your coffee. Smell the coffee grounds or tea leaves. Focus on the taste as you sip slowly.

Go for a walk 

Going for a walk pushes you to focus on the environment around you–what does the landscape look like? Do you see or hear people, cars, or animals? Moving your body can help you focus on how you’re feeling during your walk.

Work on a project like crochet or sewing to create mindful moments

Much like coloring sheets, doing a repetitive craft like crochet or sewing can help create mindful moments, since you need to concentrate on what you’re working on. Counting stitches, rows, or taking measurements doesn’t leave much room for worries about the coming days.

Cook a healthy meal

Cooking a meal can also bring attention to whatever you’re making and the moment in which you’re making it. Smell the herbs or sauces, taste the flavorful dish, notice the colors of the vegetables. Whatever you make, take it all in.

About Therapist Samantha Nolan, MA, LPC, ATR-P- Barnum Counseling

Photo by Pawan Thapa on Unsplash

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