Mindfulness Practices as Self-Care

by | Jun 27, 2019 | Meditation, Mindfulness

Happy Summer from all of us at Barnum Counseling!  We know that summer may be a busy time for many of you. Summer may mean less stress for some of you, but for the rest, it often means more. Perhaps you are experiencing changes in your schedule, your kids’ schedule, new activities, vacations, and more. Using mindfulness practices as self-care can help you make it through.

For those who find summer more stressful: it is crucial that you schedule time for self-care. More specifically, set aside time to chill out and relax, or #Chillax! It’s catchy, right??? Believe it or not, it only takes a few minutes a day to relax our bodies and our minds. Let’s take a look at a few mindfulness strategies that can help us get rid of some of that stress today:

Try These Mindfulness Practices as Self-Care


Meditation is a great strategy to de-stress.  It really works well, but takes practice.  Find a comfortable quiet place to relax, preferably outside if you can. One of my favorite places to #meditate in the summer is outside, lying on a blanket under the stars at night.  You can choose to meditate during the day as well, from any place that you find peaceful and quiet. This could be a dedicated space somewhere in your home. Make sure you have your phone with you and google YouTube guided meditation.  Or, there are a couple of (mostly) free apps, such as Calm and Headspace. We say mostly, because you can download and access the basic versions for free.

Use Your Five Senses

Quick elementary school review – what are our five senses??  They are: sight, sound, touch, smell and taste.  Remember that quiet spot you can go to? Maybe your backyard, or a nearby field or park? Just take a few minutes.


Sit down on the grass, run your hands through it and really feel it.  Is it cold? Does it feel prickly or soft?  Feel each individual strand as your fingers pass through it.  How about the wind? Can you feel it blow against your skin?


Now, close your eyes and breathe in the smells of nature all around you. Do you smell the freshly cut grass? Or maybe, you are taking in through your nostrils the floral scent of wildflowers.  Perhaps you are near a restaurant, and can smell delicious food.  Maybe you brought some essential oils with you, such as lemongrass, or bergamot, and smell the sweet, citrus-y scent of those oils.


Let’s focus on what you can hear next. Keeping your eyes closed, listen to the sounds around you. Do you hear some birds chirping or perhaps singing? How about the wind moving through the trees? Maybe there is rustling in the bushes nearby.  Or, perhaps there is an owl hooting in a tree.


Moving on to your sense of taste: are you growing a garden or perhaps you have a blueberry vine growing in your yard or some kind of a fruit tree? Go ahead and grab a taste. That is the wonderful taste of summer. Yum!  Side note: this one might be tricky if you’re in a field or park –but maybe you’re chewing gum, and can taste the minty goodness.


Lastly, open your eyes. What do you see? Perhaps you see a cardinal in the tree in front of you. Or, a squirrel rushing along with a nut in its mouth. Notice the bright, vibrant colors of the trees, leaves, grass and flowers. Nature is gorgeous!

Body Scan

Check in with yourself: how do you feel? Start with the top of your head and work your way to your toes. Notice any discomfort you might feel.  Notice if your heart rate has returned to a calm, resting rate. Do you feel a sense or calm or inner peace? This check in is something we call a body scan exercise.

Until Next Time

It’s absolutely amazing what using these strategies can do to help reduce your stress levels!  Think about using them as an opportunity to momentarily free yourself from worries, obligations, and planning.  They allow you to be fully present.  You deserve taking this time out for yourself! We truly hope you are enjoying your summer. Click here to continue with Part Two!

Photo by Motoki Tonn on Unsplash

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